2013 has been and gone, as midnight approached on the 31st December, I was quite glad to see the back of it.... onwards and upwards to a new year and a fresh slate on the calendar. Now I'm looking back over 2013 and actually it wasn't a bad year.
Miley Cyrus twerked, Prince William had a son, the Khardasian's got more famous for being famous and Tom Daley shocked the nation! My own little world however, continued without any ground breaking news worthy shocks. My kids continue to grow and T actually made it through this year without any trips in an ambulance, ICU stays or plaster casts. Amazing really as this was also the year he started to learn to drive!
I managed to stay married (trust me it's not easy sometimes), had some mad weekends away with friends and enjoyed my life. I was luckier than most with my year, and not as lucky as some, but sometimes treading the middle ground is nicer than huge ups and downs. I've cried for my friends both in sorrow and joy. I've cried for myself and the people I've lost but I've smiled and laughed a lot too. I'm not sad the year is over but I'm glad a new one has begun....
I've been prompted to write this by the people at Lloyds Bank who are having a moments that matter draw for bloggers to write about their moments that mattered from 2013.