
Friday, 12 April 2013

Spring Bedroom Makeover Challenge

I like many people am a great lover of sleep, it certainly tops my wish list of things to do on most days and I can never get enough of it.  I admit it, I am an addict.  I can sleep anywhere, which is a good thing as my actual bedroom is not exactly what most people would call condusive to a good nights sleep.  I often wonder if my constant desire to sleep is simply because I don't actually get a good enough night in my bed.  I'm not one of those people who need 8 hours, much as I'd like them, but running a home, a job, looking after horses, a dog, two children and a husband means that sleep is something I dream of rather than get.  I try to ensure that I wind down before bed and spend time trying to forget about work, the things that need doing tomorrow and what I haven't acomplished today, which helps me fall asleep quite quickly each night... either that or I'm so tired, I'm out like a light. 

The price of being a mum, is that the children take priority, so it's decorating their bedrooms and making sure they have nice things that takes first place in my home and my own room comes so far down the list it doesn't even get onto the page.

I'd love a beautiful calm oasis of peace and tranquility, unfortunately, in my world the closest I get to that is in my dreams or if I manage to nip off to a hotel for a weekend.  My bedroom is the dumping ground for a haven of mismatched pieces of furniture that were far to good to throw away, the washing basket lives overflowing in a corner and the dog bed is the nearest thing I've got to a lovely soft rug underneath my feet when I stand up in the morning.  My bedroom is a choatic mix of different styles, colours and clutter. 

I sometimes lie there imagining how it would look repainted and with matching furniture, with a bed that doesn't necessitate ten minutes of severe back stretching each morning to get me walking again and curtains that actually were thick enough to keep out the light, instead of just about protecting my modesty from the nosy guy across the road.

If I could have any bedroom, it would have to be based around this wonderful painting.

I'd have a lovely sea grass carpet, which is incredibly hard wearing, to match the back ground of the painting and then add china blue curtains and bedding, with crisp white sheets and white furniture and I'd have this painting hung above the bed to remind me even in the depths of winter that summer does always return.
Bedding like this is timeless and doesn't fall in or out of fashion.  I think it always looks fresh and light.

You need a large mirror to check your outfit in the morning.  Something like this would look stunning in my new room.
I always longed to have a couch at the bottom of my bed.  Somewhere to chill and relax reading my book.  Not somewhere else to pile up clothes or give the dog a new place to sleep.

A lovely large wardrobe to store all the clutter and clothes.  I would then have no excuse for clothes on the floor, other than I am a bit lazy.
And there you have it, my idea of a dream bedroom to help me drift off to the land of dreams myself.  The only thing that is missing is the most important bit, my ideal bed.    I must admit you can't beat a good mattress.  My current bed is a silentnight bed, but it's well past it's use by date now although testament to the rule that you need to spend a decent amount on a mattress if you want it to last.  It was very expensive when I bought it and gave me many years of loyal uninterrupted sleep.  So the piece de resistance in my boudoir would have to be this simply beautiful bed from Silentnight.  It comes in a Kingfisher blue finish which would set off my room beautifully and has silk and wool fillings for the ultimate in comfort. 
I'd love to have a bedroom like this, it wouldn't be just a spring makeover but a whole life changing makeover. 
I've been encouraged to think about this bedroom makeover by Silentnight for their spring bedroom makeover challenge.  It's really inspired me to think that for once I may have to consider putting myself first.  Now just to persuade the other half that we need to do this.....
‘This blog post is part of the Silentnight Spring Bedroom Makeover Challenge
Silentnight Spring Bedroom Makeover Challenge

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