Well with summer coming to an end and thoughts of winter looming, I once again start thinking of that christmas LBD with dread. Each year autumn is my own special time of denial and partial starvation followed by bouts of "just one won't hurt" recriminations as I indulge in one packet rather than one odd biscuit.
My dieting habits are dreadful.. a little bit of weightwatchers, a touch of slimming world, the odd calorie count here and there and lots of salad, leave me feeling deprived and depressed. I know that really I should eat healthily, not snack between meals and eat less calories than my body burns, sitting at my pc all day. I should add in gently increasing amounts of excercise and aim for a diet that I can follow all the time, not just vigoursly for a few days until I slip and give up in a pitiful pile of self loathing.
but... and there are always lots of buts... it's harder to cook a diet meal for me and separate ones again for hubby and the children. I tend to fancy what they are having so nibble on it as I cook it. I have no self control when it comes to portion size if I'm hungry and as I tend to be a starver, I am always hungry when I'm on a diet. It's also easier to just tell myself that actually I'll start the diet tomorrow instead....
So with all these buts and all this knowledge at my disposal, I've done an internet scan to find a good diet. I'm sorely tempted by the Jenny Craig method. Seems like a do-able (note I didn't say easy) option for me. They supply me with someone to keep me on track kind of like my own Jimmy Cricket, once a week. All the food that I need, so I don't feel like I have to alter the families meals to suit mine, and a plan! It sounds expensive, but I have a feeling that it isn't going to work out any more expensive than my weekly "diet" food shop and if I feel better about myself then it will be worth it.
Tomorrow (here I go with tomorrow again!) I intend to call them up and enquire, they even answer your questions, so I think I may start with a nice simple..."how do I keep going when chocolate seems to be the only answer?" or alternatively and one that I'd really like to know is " if I slip up, (which I am bound to do) how do I stop that being the end, can I have allowable slips or the odd glass of wine without feeling like a diet murderer?"
Jenny Craig are running a competition on their blog and hope to answer some questions from our musings so hopefully they will see my rather pathetic excuses and give me some impetus. You can see the competition here http://www.jennycraig.co.uk/tips-blog/blog-home.aspx . I will report back how I do, hopefully you will be seeing a lot less of me in the future.
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