
Monday, 17 September 2012

Eating out with kids.. I think I've cracked it..

I have two very fussy eaters in my children.  They don't like to sit at the table for long, so any food that looks like it may take more than a minimum of effort to eat, ie: isn't finger food, portable or a packet of crisps, gets moaned about and eaten begrudingly.  This weekend the sun was shining and we thought, Hey, lets go out to eat... but there was our problem. 

We had visions of bored kids, fights over the menu choices and both me and Mr W, going without dessert in our desire to leave as soon as possible.  Que a brain wave and a visit to Captain Jaspers on the Barbican in Plymouth.

You need to be ever so slightly mad to eat here, and judging by the queues every day then most of Plymouth must be bonkers.

This is not your normal eaterie. For one it's a glorified shed, decorated in a very eclectic style of shipwreck and nostalgia. There are no toilets, no where indoors to sit and eat, they only serve burgers, hotdogs, and giant baguettes. If you're lucky you can get a bench outside, next to the rubbish bins and the scavenging seagulls, where if the wind is in the right direction you can eat to the accompanying smell of the fishing industry taking place right next to you.

I obviously have a severe death wish as these burgers are a heart attack in a bun just waiting to wrap their greasy claws around my arteries, but they are so delicious, you just have to do it.
Don't go expecting anything fancy, napkins (an absolute necessity here) are in the form of torn off kitchen roll suspended on a string above the counter, mugs of tea are sloshed at you over the counter and the service amounts to being handed a raffle ticket and told to wait for your number to be called! But if you're looking for lime milkshake together with bacon, pineapple, cheese and curried coleslaw burgers, this is the place to come. Show me any pregnant woman that wouldn't kill to visit here.

The kids devoured their food, perhaps it helped that it was the obligatory, hold in your hand and stuff it in your mouth quickly food they prefer. But I didn't have to cook it so I didn't mind that it wasn't savoured.  Nor was I bothering to count in one of their five a day, this was a treat.

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